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Art Work by Lynda


Since the beginning of my nursing practice, I have always used art as a reflective process to help make sense of the experiences I encountered as a nurse.  In fact, I attribute the process of art as the only reason I could continue practice nursing.  Being a highly sensitive, artistic, creative, person, I found some of my nursing experiences, mainly bearing witness to suffering, difficult to unravel.


The meditative act of painting became my vehicle to transcend the sorrow and arrive at another plane of understanding.   I started teaching myself how to paint by using color as my guide.  Over the years, l have taken several workshops and learned how to see and get out of my own way. I started with realism and dry brush work.


I now have stepped into knife work first using acrylics, abstracting portraits and landscapes focusing on vibrant colors.  I absolutely love the freedom of this process and l love oils. It is aligned with my passion for the human connection and what that entails in life using art. I focus on color and light and translate what I see into fun and funky portraits using vibrant colors revealing soul. 

I have organized my gallery according to series to make sense of time and art style. 

1. The Art of Nursing Leadership series 2007-2012

2. The Relationship series Connection 2012-2017

3. The magic of Christmas 2016

4. Gratitude series 2010-2017

5. The wind river canoe trip-Fundraiser 2018

6. Lest we forget series 2018

8 Angel series 2021-2024

9. Uncovering the SOUL series 2023-present

10. The Re-humanization HeART movement. I am working on a body of work for a solo show of portraits combined with mosaic Hearts. The show will be hung May and June 2025. 

I invite you to look at what I have been up too. 

NOTE:   If you view my gallery on your phone you will only see thumbsize images poking out from a square shape cutting off the full painting. I apologize but, cannot see to figure out how to make the whole painting show.

Love Lynda

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