Certified Professional Coach
Health Promotion Coach
I am a bridge to a new health care system that will be philosophically grounded in health promotion empowering people to take responsibility for their health. By choosing self-care FIRST people will naturally shift out of FEAR and victim consciousness to EMPOWERMENT tapping into intuition leading to the great story. In your great story you are a natural leader making informed decisions that are aligned with your own health care beliefs.
1:1 Coaching
My past background as a registered nurse, an educator, social artist with a Master's in Leadership gives me a clear understanding of the systems we all live and work in. For example, family systems, health care systems, academic systems work systems might be stressing you out.
I use the process of coaching, teaching and graphic facilitation to explore how your perception of these systems might be exacerbating the stress response.
We all know when we are stressed or afraid we cannot access our innate ability to HEAL, to LEARN, to CREATE, to LEAD.
I combine the principles of Co-active coaching with the teachings from the Lucid Living Great story program, 'The work' by Byron Katie and Shamanic Healing practices to facilitate deep change.
Why my coaching works...
Let's face it, navigating the current systems that are grounded in diagnosing and pathologizing your experiences is not working. These approaches point to you and the illusion that something is wrong with you.
There is nothing wrong with you!
Coaching will simply show you what you are thinking and believing uncovering the choices you are making that may not be aligned with your BEST SELF.
Being a registered nurse for 43 years l have a honed the skill of relational practice listening people at a deep level by creating a safe space for people to feel free to explore, express and BE vulnerable.
I use graphic facilitation to help people see the scaffolding of beliefs that anchor their story in place. I am your scribe to unpack the thoughts that are squirrelling around in your head so you can see what your MIND is doing.
I also provide follow-up qualitative coaching notes the coaching session. I put the clients own words and stories into the Lucid Living great story framework so that people can review and track their insights. I also send out ongoing educational links (Lynda's LINKS) that keep the coaching going between sessions.
Who wants a coach?
Research shows stress and all the chemicals released by the physiological fight and flight response cause 95% of disease. It is not your genes that get you sick, it is the environment you create for your genes that cause them to either activate or be inactive.
People want a coach when they start noticing thoughts and repetitive stories or circumstances that cause stress and suffering. They want a new life.
People want a coach when they have received a diagnosis like ADD, depression, anxiety, panic, addictions, diabetes, cancer etc. They want to make informed choices about their health.
People want a coach when they choose to lead from where they stand and/or step into a formal leadership position to facilitate change by leading from HEART.
People want a coach when they want to change
People want a coach when they want to unblock their creativity by learning about a spiritual framework to help them make sense of t.
People want a coach when they really want to live a bigger life.
How coaching can help?
Health Promotional Coaching is client-centred, and a consent based approach to healing.
Coaching leads you back to yourself.
Book your coaching session.
You can read about my coaching services here.